HP Sprocket 200 Printer series

HP Sprocket Photo Printer

Warranty status: Unspecified - Check warranty status

Setup your printer

Three steps to setup

Setting up your printer is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with our product specific setup experience


 HP Sprocket Photo Paper and Cartridges Limited Warranty 0.08MB
 User Guide 0.65MB
 App User Guide 0.68MB

PDF user guides require the Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing and printing.

Note: Use the most current version of the reader for viewing these PDF user guides by clicking the "Adobe" link below. You will be taken to the Adobe site to download the reader.

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Use asterisk (*) to hide/show help panel
Use numbers to navigate
Command Legend
Basic Commands
Go Say "focus" and then the name of the text of the desired element.
Scroll Say "scroll" and then "down" or "up" (e.g. : "Scroll down").
Click Say "click" to activate the link or button that is focused.
Mute Say "mute" to mute the voice recognition ("Muted" state).
Stop Say "stop" to turn off the Voice Command function.
Text Say "run text reader" to run the function.
Smart Navigation Say "run smart navigation" to run the function.
Keyboard Say "run keyboard navigation" to run the function.
Highlight Say "run highlight links" to run the function.
Highlight Say "run highlight headers" to run the function.
Large Black Cursor Say "run large black cursor" to run the function.
Large White Cursor Say "run large white cursor" to run the function.
Reading Guide Say "run reading guide" to run the function.
Stop Animations Say "run stop animations" to run the function.
Magnifier Say "run magnifier" to run the function.
Hide Images Say "run hide images" to run the function.
Monochrome Say "run monochrome" to run the function.
Increase Font Size Say "run increase font size" to run the function.
Decrease Font Size Say "run decrease font size" to run the function.
Font Say "run readable font" to run the function.
High Contrast Say "run high contrast" to run the function.
Dark Contrast Say "run dark contrast" to run the function.
Reset Say "run reset" to clear all the selected features except for the voice command.
Delete Say "input delete" to delete the last written word in the field content.
Move the Cursor Say "input move cursor" to move the cursor to the start of the text element.
Space () Say "input space" to add space to your text content
Tab () Say "input tab" to add tab to your text content
At sign @ Say "input at sign" to add @ to your text content
Period . Say "input period" to add period to your text content
Question Mark ? Say "input question mark" to add question mark to your text content
Exclamation ! Say "input exclamation" to add exclamation point to your text content
Pound Sign # Say "input pound sign/hashtag/number sign" to add # to your text content
Plus Sign + Say "input plus sign" to add plus sign to your text content