HP Sprocket Photobooth – Setting up Your Device

This document is for the HP Sprocket Photobooth. Read on to learn how to customize your device settings. 

Connecting to Wi-Fi 

A Wi-Fi® connection is required for the device to generate QR codes and maintain a connection with the app. 

  1. To adjust your Wi-Fi settings, click on the Wi-Fi icon in the upper right corner of your home screen. 
  2. Wi-Fi settings can also be accessed by clicking on “Settings” in the home screen, then selecting “Network.” 
  3. Slide the bar next to “Enable Wi-Fi” into the on position. 
  4. Select your network from the on-screen menu. 
  5. If applicable, enter your password. 
  6. Click “connect.” 

Setting a lock PIN 

A lock PIN limits guests’ access, such as max number of prints, setting restrictions, and more. 

  1. To set a lock PIN, select “Settings” from the main menu. 
  2. Click “Account.”
  3. Select “Lock PIN.” 
  4. Slide the bar next to “Enable Lock PIN” into the on position.
  5. Enter your desired PIN and select “Done.”  
  6. To disable your lock PIN, slide the bar next to “Enable Lock PIN” into the off position. 

Setting up Your Account 

Setting up an account is important in case of a forgotten lock PIN. 

  1. Select “Settings” from the main menu. 
  2. Click “Account.” 
  3. Select “Name & Email Address” and enter your information. 
  4. Hit “Save.” 

General Device Settings 

Adjust brightness and screensaver settings. 

  1. Select “Settings” from the main menu. 
  2. Click “Device.” 
  3. To adjust brightness, slide the bar under “Screen Brightness” to your desired brightness level. 
  4. Set the amount of time the screen must be idle for a screensaver to appear. 
                   a. Select the icon next to “Screensaver starts after.”  
                   b. Choose your desired time.  
                   c. Hit “OK.” 

      Audio Settings 

      Choose your desired audio settings. 

      1. Select “Settings” from the main menu. 
      2. Tap “Audio.” 
      3. Enable/disable sounds by tapping the audio icon in the top right corner 
        of your screen. 
      4. Adjust the master volume of the device. 
                         a. Slide the master volume bar to your desired volume level. 

        System Settings 

        Adjust time and language settings, access system information, and perform a factory reset. 

        1. Select “Settings” from the main menu.
        2. Tap “System.”  

                           a. Adjust date and time settings.
                                    • Select “Date & Time.” 
                                    • Adjust to your desired settings. 
                                    • Hit “Save” when done.

                            b. Change device language.
                                    • Select “Language.” 
                                    • Choose your desired language from the available options: English, French, Italian, German, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional). 

                            c. System Information  
                                     • Select “About.”  
                                     • Select “Serial Number” to access your serial number. 
                                     • To see your software version, select “Software Version.” 
                                      For legal information, select “Legal Information.” 

                            d. Perform a factory reset.  
                                     • Select “About.” 
                                     • Select “Factory Reset.”   



          Access customer support information. 

             1. Select “Settings” from the main menu.  
             2. Click “Support.” 

          Please help us improve by providing feedback on your experience with the document.

          For more information, go to Using the HP Sprocket App