When it comes to turning your photos into bold prints, size matters. By using tile printing, you can transform a single image into an attention-grabbing display over multiple prints. This allows you to overcome size limitations and make your images truly stand out.
The tile printing feature allows you to print one photo over 4 or 9 prints to dramatically increase the size of any one picture. Tile printing can be done in a 2 by 2 layout taking up 4 total prints, or a 3 by 3 layout using 9 total prints.
To use tile printing, select the photo you want to print in the HP Sprocket app and tap "Tiles" at the bottom of the screen. Once selected, you can choose between the 2 by 2 or 3 by 3 layout. Your image will automatically divide into the layout you have selected.
You will notice that each tile has a check mark automatically selected in the bottom corner. If you do not want to print each tile, simply deselect the ones you do not want printed. Then, tap print at the bottom of the screen to print your selected tiles.
Once your tiles have printed, you are ready to assemble your larger image. Give your photo creations a larger than life feel with tile printing